Marketing Automation For Chiropractors

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Marketing Automation for Chiropractors

Convert More Prospects Into Patients

Uncover problem areas, plug costly leaks, maximize conversion rates, and automate more of your practice growth.

Pipeline Management

Utilize pipeline management to track every prospective patient’s digital journey, including their activities, identifying where they are in the process so natural list nurturing can convert them into happy paying patients.

AI Booking Bot

We’ve integrated the latest in AI technology with more than a few of our marketing apps—PowerPanel CRM included. Harness artificial intelligence to book appointments automatically without having to lift a finger. Our AI will intelligently SMS and email your segmented leads, working to reserve them an available spot in your schedule. Significantly reduce the amount of effort that’s required to get high scheduling and arrival rates.

2-Way Conversation HUB

Conversation Hub brings all your SMS, emailing, Facebook and Instagram messaging, Google Business Profile chat, and more into one place. Turn your clinic desktop and personal smartphone into a communication powerhouse, staying in touch with prospective and existing patients using their preferred communication method.

Online Scheduling

Unique online scheduling streams for new and existing patients and different traffic sources. Get booked 24/7; people can pick a date and time using your online scheduler. Integrates with cloud-based EHRs, Google, & Outlook. Embed on your website, landing pages, emails, social posts, your, and elsewhere.

Digital Patient Forms & Appointment Reminders

Concierge-style SMS & email reminders are automatically delivered to your prospective patients to eradicate no-shows. Send patient intake forms ahead of time to streamline your operations. Connect with people before their appointments by following our script: build rapport, establish intention, and demonstrate competency to maximize conversion rates (CRO).

Advanced Insights & Call Tracking

Track every inbound opportunity with multiple layers of analytics, including advanced calling, so that you know the precise origin and attribution of how patients find you. Get insights into the marketing channels that produce the patients you seek, adding passion to your practice. Optionally record your phone calls for quality assurance and training purposes.

AI Posts & Responses

Experience the future of social media engagement and reputation management with our cutting-edge AI-powered! Unleash the power of innovation as our advanced social media posting app seamlessly integrates with state-of-the-art AI technology, revolutionizing how you connect with your audience. But it doesn’t stop there – our reputation management app synergizes with artificial intelligence to monitor, analyze, and respond to online feedback effortlessly.

Monthly Newsletter

Elevate your practice with our specialized tiered SMS & email marketing services designed exclusively for chiropractors seeking to establish a stronger sense of rapport with prospective and existing patients through a thoughtful newsletter. Your custom-designed, carefully curated monthly newsletter is a direct medium for you to engage, educate, and inspire.

Database Reactivations

Advance PVAs, case averages, and clinical outcomes with database reactivation campaigns for chiropractors using SMS and email marketing. Constructively connect with passive patients to increase engagement and appointment counts. Get instant results, elevating relationships that you’re already invested in. These campaigns are some of the ‘lowest hanging fruit’ that exist.

Bottom Line

You need reliable marketing automation.

Trust the Experts
Marketing Automation for Chiropractors

We can integrate with cloud-based chiropractic EHRs to better synchronize and automate intelligent workflows.

User-Friendly Experience

We collect and share deep insights into your patient’s digital journey so we can iteratively improve—maximizing CRO—with intention and intelligence. Identify bottlenecks, trends, and opportunities with PowerPanel CRM for chiropractors.

Chiropractors help people feel, function, and live better.

PowerSurge Marketing Is Easy, and It Works!

If you’re a chiropractor wanting to help more people live their #BestLife, get started for free today.

Use Our Best Stuff By Yourself

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Get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to our top six AI-enhanced marketing apps. Create your profile in 22 seconds or less. This offer won’t last forever. Start today.

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