🤟 Chiropractics' BackBone

Powerful Marketing
for Profitable Growth

We connect D.C.'s with amazing patients for 80% less

Heal ~~∞ More


Save 33+ Hours


Raise Your Fees


Finding Patients Shouldn’t Be Random, Rigid, or Risky

People turn to chiropractic to move better, feel stronger, and live fully. But ineffective marketing slows everyone down, wasting time, money, and opportunity. Constant, compounding expansion is caused through a straightforward choice—PowerSurge provides everything chiropractors need to thrive.

Help More, Stress Less

Customizable Marketing Packages to Keep D.C.’s Calendars Full-Bodied, up to 500PV/wk

Wholly Transparent Deliverables, Impacts, Ongoing Optimizations

360° of Contemporaneous Coverage – Full of ROI

People Deserve Great Health—
Chiropractic Heals!

To Date, We’ve Supported

513+ Chiropractors in Helping

1,292,11x People

Feel, Function, & Live Better


We've helped Chiro One Wellness Centers help more people!
We've helped close for chiro help chiropractors to help more people.
We've helped Life West Chiropractic College help more people!

Unpacking Our Process

Step 1

Book a Growth Call

Step 2

Chiropractic marketing plan showcasing effective strategies for chiropractors to grow their practice.

Get a Pronged Plan

Step 3

Chiropractor analyzing successful marketing steps for practice growth.

or Do Things Yourself

Step 4

Chiropractic marketing visuals demonstrating proven outcomes that work!

10X Communications; Connect With More Patients Deeper than Ever Before

🫡 Doctor’s of Chiropractic,

Put to a point: PowerSURGE combines 360° of Marketing Coverage to maximize Chiropractic’s market penetration. Tap us in to wield incomparably combined marketing chops, technical prowess, software, apps, AI, code, computerized automated workflows, experience, and routine refinements to reliably build monetizable connections via the internet—averaging $8-169 per patient (in 2024).

Within 24 hours of your growth session, impressed by a deepened understanding of your unique approach and well-suited marketing angles, we begin forming variants for your new designs. Branded imagery, videos, social posts ranging most platforms, ads, new landing pages, email & SMS campaigns, re-activation flows, GPB updates soon follow.

Our daily assignments vary from Meta, Google, and LinkedIn POWERads setup and management to often overlooked Google Business Profile updates that boost rankings, landing page and website development, SEO, PowerPanel Portaling, online booking, pre-qualified, e-commercing, video and image editin, brand style-guiding, logo re/creating, attributing, tracking and pixel authorizing, concierge servicing, and more transpire with goodness at PowerSurge Marketing.

Guided by client feedback, we’ve always aimed to craft marketing materials, SOPs, KPIs, and action item to perfection. Experience has taught us that this can be an erroneous target—admirable in intent but unattainable in execution. Progress, however, can always be shown up and stood for. Doc, you can turn tons more of your marketing dollars into people helped—with PowerSurge. Ready?

Tandem Marketing is KEY to Making More People Healthy

First-timer? Based on your goals and budget, choose between our Triple W (Win/Win/Win) packages to push purposeful progress, without excuse. Packages beginning at $0

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