🤟 Chiropractors 🤟

How Many More
People Would You Help...

...If Chiropractic Marketing Was Easy & Profitable?

Help More


Have More


Earn More


Attracting Patients Shouldn’t Be Hard or Expensive!

People visit chiropractors to break free from limits— to feel fantastic, perform at their best, and enjoy life to the max. That’s why wasting time and money on ineffective chiropractic marketing is unacceptable. It stands in the way of people who need help.

PowerSurge is a team of chiropractic marketing experts on a mission to help 5,000 chiropractors help 5,000,000 more people. How? By empowering D.C.’s to better harness the incredible power of the internet. If you’re a chiropractor eager to help more people, let us handle the hard parts. Do more of what you love while spreading healing and wellness throughout your community.

Help More, Stress Less.

Cutting-Edge Tech

Winning Strategies

95% Done For You

Everybody Deserves To Be Healthy & Live Their #BestLife: Chiropractic Helps!

To Date, We’ve Helped

100s of Chiropractors, Help

100,000s of People

Feel, Function, & Live Better!


We've helped Life West Chiropractic College help more people!
We've helped close for chiro help chiropractors to help more people.
We've helped Chiro One Wellness Centers help more people!

Unpacking the Process

Step 1

Book a Growth Strategy Call ($1,000 Value)

Step 2

Chiropractic marketing plan showcasing effective strategies for chiropractors to grow their practice.

Get a Marketing Audit and Tailored Plan

Step 3

Chiropractor analyzing successful marketing steps for practice growth.

Start With a Free Trial or Solo-Implement

Step 4

Chiropractic marketing visuals demonstrating proven outcomes that work!

Help 1,000s More People Live Their #BestLife—Including Yourself

A showcase that visually aids chiropractic marketing value propositions.

Chiropractors help people feel, function, and live better.

PowerSurge Marketing Is Easy, and It Works!

If you’re a chiropractor looking to help more people live their #BestLife, get started for free today.

Bonus Toolkit

Get a tonne of AI-enhanced marketing software for free! Please arrive on time for your growth strategy call and it’s all yours, Doctor 🎁

Includes Weekly Executive Reports, Reputation Management, Social Sphere, AdVantage, Website Builder, Local SEO, PowerPanel Lite, plus more.

🫡 Doctor of Chiropractic,

Break Free from Overwork!

Navigating the ever-changing digital landscape is challenging. Even so, you push forward, exploring better ways to reach more people so you can maximally empower your community to live its #BestLife.

Our dynamic team of copywriters, graphic designers, web developers, and other marketing geniuses — who live and breathe every key marketing discipline so you don’t have to.

Harness the power of the internet using clear, impressive, frequent, and affordable marketing. Get started this month and receive a $500 ad credit. No risk, just results.

Unleash Your Potential: Month-to-Month Mastery.

Chiropractic Marketing Experiences

Digital marketing tools that allow chiropractors to get more new patients.

Grab 48 FREE Chiropractic Social Media Posts! 🎁 🎉 🎁 🎉 🎁

Take the hassle out of creating content. Get Canva templates + a word document to make content creation effortless. Save time, skip the hassle, and keep your socials buzzing with fresh, professional posts! 🚀

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