Directory Listings For Chiropractors

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Directory Listings for Chiropractors

Listing Consistency Across 300+ Websites

Online search has changed the way people find businesses. Do you appear as a point of interest in modern GPS systems? Mobile Apps? Are voice assistants like Siri and Alexa giving your patients accurate information?

Get Found & Chosen

Our Listing distributor submits your business listing to the four major data providers: Factual, FourSquare, Infogroup, and Neustar (Localeze). Together, these data providers are referenced by over 300 online listing directories. Optimize your listings for three factors that impact local search rank: the number of online citations, the popularity of sources they appear on, and the accuracy and consistency of listing information. Since 81% of people say their top source for searching for a business is online, you are well served by ensuring your online listings exist and are accurate everywhere. Be found when browsers search so that you can help more people be healthy and live their #BestLife with chiropractic care. Activate your listing inside the PowerSurge Portal and watch as your listings improve over time.

Missing or incorrect data can result in unhappy prospective patients, lost revenue, and a drop in local search ranking. Our listing distribution gives you a single dashboard to submit, update, and monitor your practice information across data aggregators: Neustar/Localeze, Foursquare, Data Axle, plus more!

Geographical Clarity

These aggregators share your practice business information with a network of directories that power search engines, navigation systems, voice search, mobile apps, and more.

SEO Power

Build your practice’s online presence, drive patients to your door, and boost your search engine optimization. Your practice’s listings’ correctness, quality, and amount all contribute to local search rankings.

Bottom Line

You need accurate business listings.

Trust the Experts
Appear in More Places Across the Web With Accurate Listings

Accurate business listings help people and search engines find local businesses. The problem for most chiropractors is they often don’t have the time to create and maintain the required quality and quantity of online listings. If you have multiple locations, you should aim for dozens, if not hundreds, of listings for each location. With Local SEO and our multi-location dashboard, create and sustain accurate business listings across an established network of sites in 10 minutes or less.

Have Multiple Locations?

Packed with four powerful presence management tools—Google Insights, Local SEO, Listing Distribution, and My Listing—Local SEO is the most comprehensive practice listing solution for chiropractors on the market. Discover your patient’s activities on Google Search and Google Maps, including:

  • How patients find your listing
  • Where patients find you on Google
  • What patients do once they find your listing

#FeelBetter #FuctionBetter #LiveBetter

ADD-ON: Claim Your Google Business Profile (GBP)

The Key to Visibility & Trust

Why Do You Need Accurate Listings?
People depend on accurate listings when searching for local businesses online. Incorrect business listings lead to lost sales opportunities, frustrated prospective patients, and weakened search rankings. In fact, 73% of people said they lose trust in a brand when an online listing shows incorrect information. Therefore, accurate listings are considered to be an essential component of the local marketing stack. Establishing and maintaining accurate online listings often poses a challenge for chiropractors. However, with PowerSurge, you can access a diverse marketing toolkit that easily lets you reclaim control over your listings and online brand. Empower your practice to take ownership of its online data, enhancing its visibility in local searches and ensuring up-to-date information across critical platforms like Google.

Chiropractors help people feel, function, and live better.

PowerSurge Marketing Is Easy, and It Works!

If you’re a chiropractor wanting to help more people live their #BestLife, get started for free today.

Use Our Best Stuff By Yourself

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