
Book a Growth Call

How This Works

Step 1

Book a Growth Strategy Call With Our Energized Team ($1,000 Value)

Step 2

Recieve Your Digital Marketing MRI and Custom Growth Plan

Step 3

Implement Yourself Using Our FREE Marketing Toolkit, OR We Rock Its Execution

Step 4

Get 90 Days of Marketing Technology, Services, & Support for FREE

Turbo-Charged Toolkit

Get $777/mo worth of AI-powered marketing software for FREE for the next six months. Simply schedule and arrive on time for a growth-oriented call this month, and it’s all yours, Doctor! 🎁

Includes: Reputation Management, Social Marketing, Page Builder, Local SEO, Advertising Intelligence, PowerPanel CRM, and more!

We Believe People Deserve to Feel Healthy &
Live Their #BestLife: Chiropractic Helps!

To Date, We've Helped

100s of Chiropractors, Help

100,000s of People

Feel, Function, & Live Better!


A Scaleable Solution for Chiropractors

Finding people to help doesn't have to be hard and expensive.
PowerSurge Marketing is easy, and it works.

Better Tools & Tactics

  • We know what works today and what will work tomorrow. Backed by 1,000s of experiments, we've got the secret sauce.

Growth Opportunities

  • Are you ready for hockey stick growth? Discharge your potential, seizing opportunities for expansion and prosperity.

Competitor Intelligence

  • Spot low-hanging fruit and arbitrage with sneaky insider intel! We'll assist you in spotting the gaps and making your local 'competitors' mistakes some of your most cost-effective wins!

Roadmap & Timelines

  • Follow a clear path to digital marketing triumph, converting marketing dollars into people helped with milestones, timelines, and a plan for iterative growth and optimizations.

Pricing Options

  • We cater to all budgets and aspirations because it's our mission to help 5,000 chiropractors help 5,000,000 people. Choose from a 6-month free trial, 90-day test drive, 1 of 3 powerful 16-week intensives, month-to-month, self-serve, fully-managed, à la carte, or a custom 1-year program packed with electrifying incentives. The power is in your hands!

Satisfaction Guarantees

  • We can help every sized chiropractic practice grow; we pay chiropractors for every person they help. Liberate marketing limitations and receive valuable, actionable insights with your digital marketing MRI, or we'll donate $1,000 to chiropractic research to contribute towards a brighter tomorrow. Plus, if you go big and don't help 204+ people in your first 16 weeks, it's on us! Oh, and we offer clients live phone support and super-fast email response times.


of Thy Peers 🤝

Chiropractors liberate limitations naturally—helping people feel, function, and live better.

We Help by Helping Chiropractors Help More People Easily & Profitability.

If you're a chiropractor wanting to help more people with ease and profit, get started for free today.

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