Chiropractic Marketing That Works | PowerSurge

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Chiropractic Marketing That Works!

Profitable Patient Procurement

PowerSurge designs and develops chiropractic marketing campaigns that exceed expectations.

Everybody Deserves To Be Healthy & Live Their #BestLife: Chiropractic Helps!

To Date, We’ve Helped

100s of Chiropractors, Help

100,000s of People

Feel, Function, & Live Better!


Website Design

An old, simple, slow website won’t cut it. If your chiropractic practice isnโ€™t sufficiently showcased online, you will reach and help fewer people than you want. Your website must load lightning fast, look great on every screen size, be built for search engines, convert strangers into patients securely, and have live dashboard reportingโ€”bonus points for accessibility and ADA compliance, with a cherry on top for HIPAA compliance. *Inquire to see if you qualify for a $5,000 tax credit – an IRS-approved initiative to make the Internet more accessible.

Chiropractic SEO

Perhaps you already have a great, up-to-date, mobile-friendly website that you’re proud of, but as a chiropractor, being on the second page of Google is akin to a digital death sentence. You can’t be hard to find online and help your heartโ€™s whole desire. High-intent chiropractic patients rarely look past the first few search results. With SEO for chiropractors, do what’s needed to earn that precious space near the top of the first page of search engine results.

Chiropractic Digital Ads

Achieve lightning-fast, measurable growth through innovative digital advertising for chiropractors. Wield a sufficient mix of Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, Microsoft, and LinkedIn adsโ€”consistently converting ad dollars into people helped with ease and profit. Target ideal audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and location. Retarget website visitors, engaged followers, and passive patients to keep your practice top-of-mind and full. Ordinary ROAS (return on ad spend) stands at 3-20x* (300%-2,000% ROI)*.

Creative Asset Development

Turn chiropractic content marketing into your force multiplier. If you hire a content marketing agency, pick one that’s built their business on digital content (like ours). We’ll design custom assets for your social media, digital ads, email newsletters, and website.

Marketing Automation

PowerPanel CRM is a marketing automation software for chiropractors that works on any device for easy pipeline management, digital communication, online scheduling, reminders, patient activity tracking, and more. Get booked and paid 24/7!

SMS & Email Marketing

Supercharge your SMS & email marketing performance with an innovative approach to communication marketing for chiropractors – now, including AI. Lead nurturing, appointment scheduling, reminders, newsletters, promotions, upsells, or downsells: weโ€™ll help you improve engagement and drive better results through our integrated platform.

Conversion Rate Optimization

CRO for chiropractors: turning counterproductivity and waste into more intended activities. At PowerSurge, we’ll studiously iteratively improve the critical components of your patient journey through pipeline management and conversion rate optimization by breaking each stage down into constituent parts to devise solutions accordingly.

Craft Your Breakthrough
Marketing Plan

๐Ÿ’ก Unveil your vision, set ambitious targets, locate your marketing limitations, and diagnose their root causes. With this clarity, we’ll create a customized marketing plan tailored to your needs. You can implement the plan independently or entrust us with its execution.

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Directory Listings Management

How quickly and easily can people find you online? Google Business Profile (GBP) – formerly Google My Business (GMB)- a free tool allowing you to manage your online presence across Google, including Search and Maps, is the most critical directory to optimize. But there are 100s more micro directories. All contribute SEO power. Get 10x more citations in 1/10 of the time using our slick directory listings for chiropractors service. Our simple-to-use software allows you to upload all your information in a single place to create and optimize listing consistency across 300+ websites with the click of a button.

Reputation Management

When was the last time you visited a business that you knew was poorly rated? How often do you return? Establish trust and credibility, giving browsers a more favorable opportunity to become prospective patients with an abundance of 4 and 5-star ratings. Reputation management for chiropractors allows you to track what patients say about you, improve your visibility in local searches, and how you stack up against your local competition. If you want, allow our strategists to completely manage your online reputation so you can spend more time doing what you loveโ€”wowing your patients and helping them heal!

Social Media Management

Why is social media marketing for chiropractors important? Because it’s where prospective patients spend inordinate amounts of time. SocialSphere empowers you to manage all your social mediaโ€”including Facebook, Instagram, Google Business Profile, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn profiles from a single place. Our fully managed service gets proficient marketing strategists to curate a steady stream of quality content to engage and delight your online community.

Chiropractors help people feel, function, and live better.

PowerSurge Marketing Is Easy, and It Works!

If youโ€™re a chiropractor wanting to help more people live their #BestLife, get started for free today.

Use Our Best Stuff By Yourself

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Get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to our top six AI-enhanced marketing apps. Create your profile in 22 seconds or less. This offer won’t last forever. Start today.

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