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Attn: DC’s – Brand New Practical Free Report Reveals…

Free Report Reveals…

8 Steps To Turn
Your Marketing
Frown Upside
Down …so you can
help more people,
easily & profitably.”

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Dear Altruistic DC,
You Became a Chiropractor
Because You Like Helping People…

And it’s why you hate wasting time and money on marketing that doesn’t work– it prevents people who need help from getting it, including yourself.

After helping 100s of chiropractors help 100,000s of people, we’ve found that in today’s modern, socially distanced, digital world, the best way to help lots of people is by harnessing the power of the internet.

With it, you’ll forever unlock the ability to convert cash into people helped with ease and profit. Then again, it’s noisy out there.

With the rising cost-per-click of Google Ads and the fierce competition of SEO, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and pretty much every other online place… the internet’s become crowded. 🧐

If you want to stand out and succeed, then you can’t use subpar strategies, tools, or tactics. You need the best of what’s available.

Chiropractors 🤟

Use This Practical 8 Step
Plan To Help More People,
Easily & Profitably

Guided by the belief that people deserve to feel great and live their best life: chiropractic helps; here’s an overview of eight steps you can take to start helping more people easily and profitably.

  1. Stop Wasting Money on Marketing That Doesn’t Work
  2. Know Your Numbers
  3. Build a Scientific Selling System
  4. Turn Strangers into Prospects Through Marketing Funnels
  5. Turn Prospects into Patients Through Sales Funnels
  6. Help Patients Feel Better, Function Better, & Live Better
  7. Turn Patients into Promoters
  8. Scale & Optimize

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With marketing that works,
chiropractors can help more people.

When they help more people,
more people get the help they deserve.

About PowerSurge:

We’re an industry-leading Growth as a Service (GaaS) firm that makes it easy and profitable for chiropractors to help more people and we’re on a mission to help 5,000 chiropractors help 5,000,000 people before 2025 because we believe that people deserve to feel great and live their best life: chiropractic helps.

With a team of 100+ innovative, intelligent, intentional people from copywriters and graphic designers to web developers and marketing scientists, we specialize in every marketing discipline so that chiropractors don’t have to.

With marketing that works, you can help more people. When you help more people, more people will feel better, function better, and live better – including yourself.

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